Friends of Lavenham Church
Help to preserve Lavenham Church - become a Friend!
The Friends is an independent charitable organisation founded in 1953 to co-operate with those responsible for running the Church to ensure that the fabric of this wonderful building is preserved and protected.
Lavenham Church is one of England's most beautiful and stately churches, built in the late perpendicular style between 1486 and 1525.
The Spring family, clothiers, were responsible for the building and descendants of this much respected family are among our members across the world.
In recent years, the Friends have helped to fund many projects such as South Porch Restoration, Floodlighting, Ramp, Organ Casing, Tower Electrical work, Kitchen & Toilet facilities, Shop Fittings, Churchyard lighting, and Sound system upgrades.
For further details about the Friends of Lavenham Church please contact our Chairman, Malcolm Linscott, at 38 The Glebe, Lavenham, CO10 9SN.