Our Services
8.00am (Every Sunday) - Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer Traditional language)
10.00am - Morning Worship (3rd Sunday) or Holy
Communion on 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays (Common
Worship contemporary language)
6.00pm - Evensong, usually Choral (1st Sunday)
Morning Prayer is held in the Lady Chapel at
8.45 am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Each Wednesday at 10:00am, there is a service of Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel at Lavenham, using Common Worship (traditional language), followed by coffee and refreshments in Church for fellowship and sharing of news, information and ideas. All are welcome, whenever you can.
We do not currently have a Sunday School for children but we welcome people of all ages to our services.
If you are visiting Lavenham church and seeking a moment of quiet reflection please feel free to use the Lady Chapel as it is set aside for prayer when communal worship is not taking place. Here you are welcome to light a candle or leave your own intercession which will be included with the prayers of our own community during our Wednesday morning worship.
Sunday services at Preston St Mary:
11.30 for refreshments 12noon start- Preston Praise (1st Sunday) - an informal lay-led service
6.00pm - Evensong (2nd and 4th Sundays)
6.00pm - Holy Communion BCP (3rd Sunday)
On 5th Sundays in the month we hold a benefice service. Details are provided in parish notices.
We also hold special services for major festivals, Christmas, Lent & Easter. Please see our news pages.